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The DGA Roadshow 2021
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Below are answers to many common questions about the Decarbonised Gas Alliance.

The Decarbonised Gas Alliance (DGA) is an alliance of nearly 30 gas producers, transporters, suppliers and users, hydrogen and carbon capture experts, alongside R&D, supply chain, trade union and local government specialists whose knowledge and expertise will be vital in decarbonising the UK’s gas system and improving poor air quality. Our aim is to work with all levels of government and with other expert organisations to use the gas system as a whole to help deliver our emission reduction and air quality goals. We believe that decarbonising gas – including biogases and hydrogen from a variety of low carbon methods – would make best use of our existing infrastructure and lower the overall costs of decarbonisation. The DGA secretariat is managed by Costain, an engineering firm advising energy, water defence and transportation sectors.
The Decarbonised Gas Alliance is a joint industry project, with nearly 30 signatory organisations from across the gas system as a whole, with different areas of expertise and interest. The full list of signatory organisations can be found on the home page. The DGA secretariat is managed by Costain, an engineering firm advising energy, water defence and transportation sectors. The following organisations, from amongst the signatories, provide in-kind or small financial contributions to support the DGA’s work, and form an Advisory Board, which sets the priorities for the DGA. These organisations are: Clarke Energy Costain DNV GL Energy Networks Association Johnson Matthey Oil & Gas UK Peel Shell
The first point to make is that it is not a choice between decarbonised gas and renewable electricity – we will need both to meet net zero. The technology already exists to decarbonise gas as well as electricity – biomethane is a growing part of the UK’s gas supply mix, and there is increasing awareness of the opportunities of hydrogen and CCS. As we have set out in our papers and consultation responses, the gas system delivers more energy than the electricity system, and is particularly important in the provision of heat. The gas system also provides a flexible, easily-storable energy source, meaning that it can be deployed at short notice during periods of peak demand. Decarbonising the gas system is therefore crucial to achieving net zero, and needs the same level of ambition as renewable electricity generation. At the same time, it can be used to help improve air quality. We also believe that decarbonising the gas system can help to support the growth of renewables, for example through using excess renewable electricity generation to create hydrogen via electrolysis, which could be blended in the gas network. In this way, the gas system could act as a battery for renewables.
We are not an exclusive grouping, and we would welcome other suitable expert organisations to join the DGA as signatories, or to be added to the mailing list as observers. To enquire about joining, please email directly.
Please email directly, and we will respond to your query.